PyCon is the largest annual gathering of the community that uses and develops the open source programming language Python. It is produced and funded by the Python Software Foundation (PSF), a non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and promotion of Python. Through the PyCon event, the PSF continues its mission to build the international community of Python programmers.
Python at Power Go
Python at Power Go is much more than a programming language. It’s a passion!
For many years, Python has been THE programming language used by our team for the majority of the products and solutions we offer: the inventory management platform InStock, the customer loyalty program LoyalAction and the customer experience module. Let’s just say that we know Python inside and out!
Power Go Tools Using Python In Numbers
280,000 : active LoyalAction customers
$16,000,000 : in gift cards and points
15,000 : vehicles for sale
110,000 : images of vehicles propelled
The Significance of Getting Involved
For several years, Power Go developers have been contributing to the Python community by contributing open source content to the public libraries in existing libraries such as Django or in brand new libraries specially created for our products. Check out what we’ve done here!
As an enthusiastic Python user organization, we feel it is important to contribute as much as we can to the community and to make it better known in the Web development world. The community cannot be as lively and dynamic as it should without the continuous involvement of its members. This is why becoming an official sponsor of the Python Software Foundation was the next logical step for Power Go.
We’ll See You There!
From May 12 to 16, several activities, conferences, fairs and much more are on the menu for PyCon 2021. Of course, everything will be in virtual format. Not registered yet? Do it now and be in touch with the latest industry trends and be part of the worldwide community of Pythonistas.
Some members of the Power Go team will be there to attend the conferences. Machine learning, artificial intelligence, high performance and the growing use of types: we are always very curious to learn more about the new technological advances of the community.
We are always interested in meeting and talking with other Pythonistas! If you are a Python fan and looking for an exciting career in the technology field, please contact us or even send us your application. We look forward to hearing from you!